INNOCENT TARGET is a screenplay, by Josh Greenberger, loosely based on true events

On September 4, 1997, Diana Campuzano, an American visiting Israel, was the victim of a terrorist attack which took the lives of seven people and injured 192, 8 critically. Diana was one of the 2 most critically injured. Diana's picture, her face completely covered in blood, was carried by Newsweek, USA Today, and a number of other newspapers and magazines around the country. In spite of the odds against her, Diana survived. These are actual photos of Diana and her friends before and after the terrorist attack, then-Prime Minister Benjamin Natanyahu visiting one of Diana's friends in Hadassah Hospital, and newspaper clippings of the carnage.

Please note that although the following photographs depict Diana's personal tragedy, the screenplay, INNOCENT TARGET, is not about medical recovery or even her ailments. The screenplay contains a considerable number of action scenes involving military operations against terrorist cells on sea, air and land.

Most of the story takes place in the U.S. and Israel, with one scene in Paris, where Israeli Intelligence track down their "most wanted" terrorist and wind up killing his money source in a gun battle.

In short, the story is a mixture of many aspects of suspense, action and thriller, with Diana's injuries and recovery being only about ten percent of the story.

Israel: Diana Campuzano far right

Diana far left

Diana far right, center row

Diana second from left

Diana second from right, center row


September 4th, 1997, 2:00 PM
Diana (l.-r.), Sherri Wise, Gregg Salzman at an outdoor cafe in Jerusalem
This is the last picture of Diana before the attack

One hour after the above picture was taken,
terrorists detonated 3 bombs, killing 7, wounding 192.

The blast picked up Gregg and hurled him 8 feet away
Sherri was burned over 30% of her body
Diana was the 2nd most critically injured of 8

An injured Diana on cover of The Jerusalem Report

USA Today and Newsweek carry photo of
Diana being carried from scene of carnage

Newsweek coverage of the attack

Diana in Hadassah Hospital

Prime Minister Benjamin Natanyahu visiting Gregg Salzman

Hadassah Hospital staff and patients; Diana, 4th from right, top row

Diana, several years later, at NYU Medical Center
Undergoing reconstructive surgery

A family photo (l.-r.): Diana's father (Ramiro), family friend, mother (Mabel), Diana

Diana's story is told by
Rochester, New York's
"Democrat and Chronicle"
Click here to see full article

In the summer of 2002, FOX TV interviewed Diana and ran a story on her.

On January 6th, 2003, Diana went to Washington D.C. to testify before the Federal Government in a suit brought on behalf of her and others against Iran for backing the terrorist group Hezbala.

The suit was won in September of 2003. The State Department subsequently refused to divulge the whereabouts of the defendants' assets, making collecting difficult.

The victims are now rallying around a new law that would require the State Department to disclose such information.
screenplay    Screenwriter's Bio